Petitions to Wind Up (Companies)

The Borough of SeftonThe City and County of the City of LondonThe London Borough of WandsworthEC4A 1NL51.515771-0.110291L20 7HS53.447854-2.991906SW12 9AL51.447311-0.148679Insolvency Act 19862019-01-182019-02-052019-03-112019-03-12TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

In the High Court of Justice

Business and Property Courts, Insolvency and Companies List (ChD) No 000465 of 2019


(Company Number 03612855)

And in the matter of the Charities Act 2011

And in the matter of the Insolvency Act 1986


A Petition to wind up the above-named company, Thrift Urban Housing Limited, whose registered office is at 25 Balham High Road, Balham, London, SW12 9AL, presented on 18 January 2019 by the CHARITY COMMISSION FOR ENGLAND AND WALES, PO Box 211, Bootle, Merseyside L20 7HS, will be heard at The High Court of Justice, Business and Property Courts – Insolvency and Companies List (ChD), Rolls Building, Royal Courts of Justice, 7 Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1NL on 12 March 2019 at 10:30 (or as soon thereafter as the Petition can be heard).

Any person intending to appear at the hearing of the Petition (whether to support or oppose it) must give notice of intention to do so to the Petitioner in accordance with rule 7.14 by 16:00 on 11 March 2019.

The Charity Commission for England and Wales, PO Box 211, Bootle, Merseyside L20 7HS email:

5 February 2019