Notice of Dividends
In the Blackpool Court
No 123 of 2004
Roger FOX
(In bankruptcy)
Birth details: 14/05/1947
Bankrupt's Addresses: Flat 6, 21 Cocker Street, Blackpool FY1 2BY, formerly residing at 3 Plymouth Avenue, Fleetwood, FY7 8JA, both in Blackpool, Lancashire, previously residing and lately carrying on business as ROGER FOX BUILDERS, at 35 Normanby Street, M27 9TL
Bankrupt's occupation: Builder
(t/a ROGER FOX BUILDERS, at35 Normanby Street, M27 9TL and formerly carrying on business as FOX CABS and ROGER FOX SECOND HAND SHOP, at 11Station Road, M27 6AH, all in Swinton, Manchester.)
Notice is hereby given that I, D Gibson, Official Receiver and Trustee, intend to declare a First and Final dividend to Unsecured creditors within 4 months of 14 October 2019 being the last day for proving, failing which they will be excluded from the dividend.
Contact details: Mr David Gibson, LTADT Ipswich, PO Box 16665, Birmingham, B2 2JX, 01473 383535,
9 September 2019