Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
Forest Service, an Agency of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural
Affairs has provided an opinion on the following projects in respect of the Environmental
Impact Assessment (Forestry) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 (as amended).
Reference |
Project Type |
Forest road construction
Location |
Fifth Corgary, Glenderg
Grid Reference |
H 090 835
Area |
0.64 hectares
Project Description |
Creation of new forest road
Opinion |
Not relevant. No cultural features or priority habitat will be affected by this project.
This project is unlikely to have a significant effect on the environment. Mitigation
measures will be sufficient to prevent any adverse impacts to water quality and to
protected species nearby. The Department does not propose to prepare an Environmental
Reference |
Project Type |
Forest road construction
Location |
Slievedoo, Glenderg
Grid Reference |
H 120 840
Area |
0.32 hectares
Project Description |
Creation of new forest road
Opinion |
Not relevant. No cultural features or priority habitat will be affected by this project.
This project is unlikely to have a significant effect on the environment. Mitigation
measures will be sufficient to prevent any adverse impacts to water quality and to
protected species nearby. The Department does not propose to prepare an Environmental
Reference |
Project Type |
Forest road construction
Location |
Sixth Corgary, Glenderg
Grid Reference |
H 090 835
Area |
0.64 hectares
Project Description |
Creation of new forest road
Opinion |
Not relevant. No cultural features or priority habitat will be affected by this project.
This project is unlikely to have a significant effect on the environment. Mitigation
measures will be sufficient to prevent any adverse impacts to water quality and to
protected species nearby. The Department does not propose to prepare an Environmental
Maps and information relating to these projects have been placed on
Further information may be obtained by contacting Policy and Regulation Branch at
028 6634 3036 or by emailing Any
person wishing to comment on the likely environmental effects of the above projects
may do so in writing by 25 October 2019 to Forest Service, Policy and Regulation Branch,
Inishkeen House, Killyhevlin, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh BT74 4EJ or by emailing