Notice of Intended Dividends

BirminghamGuildfordCrawleyB3 2HJ52.481958-1.900883GU1 1UN51.241790-0.562419RH10 1BG51.113308-0.1903032017-12-202019-12-052019-12-092020-01-06TSO (The Stationery Office),

In the High Court of Justice

No 9155 of 2017


Company Voluntary Arrangement


Registered office: One Eleven, Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2HJ

Principal trading address: London Labs, 90 High Holborn WC1V 6LJ

Capacity in which office holder acting: Joint Supervisor

Take notice that the Joint Supervisor of the above named Company intend to make a second and final distribution to creditors. Creditors, with claims in excess of £1,000, of the above company are required to send in their name and address and particulars of their claim to the Joint Liquidators at RSM Restructuring Advisory LLP, Third Floor, One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN by 6 January 2020. Any creditor who does not prove their debt by that date may be excluded from the dividend. It is the intention of the Join Supervisor that the distribution will be made within two months of the last date for proving claims, given above.

Correspondence address & contact details of case manager:

Olivia Hutchison, RSM Restructuring Advisory LLP, Third Floor, One London Square, Cross Lanes, Guildford GU1 1UN, Tel: 01483 307 034

Name, address & contact details of Joint Supervisor:

Terence Guy Jackson (IP Number 16450), GUILDFORD, Third Floor, One London Square. Cross Lanes, Guildford GU1 1UN and Matthew Wild (IP Number 9300), GUILDFORD, Portland 25 High Street, Crawley West Sussex RH10 1BG. Date of Appointment: 20 December 2017.

Terence Guy Jackson , Joint Supervisor

Dated: 5 December 2019