Appointment of Administrators
In the High Court of Justice
Business and Property Courts of England and Wales, Insolvency and Companies List (ChD) Court Number: CR-2020-002510
(Company Number 00425057)
Nature of Business: Leisure and Retail
Registered office: 1st Floor 163 Eversholt Street, London, NW1 1BU in the process of being changed to 8th Floor, Ship Canal House, 98 King Street, Manchester, M2 4WB
Principal trading address: Various Nationwide
Date of Appointment: 2 July 2020
Names and Address of Administrators: C L Kennedy (IP No. 20590) and P M Saville (IP No. 9029) and D C Imison (IP No. 13434) of AlixPartners, 6 New Street Square, London, EC4A 3BF and C M Williamson , (IP No. 15570) of AlixPartners, 8th Floor, Ship Canal House, 98 King Street, Manchester M2 4WB
Further details contact: The CDG Admin Team, Tel: 0161 838 4500
Ag UG40348