Notices to Creditors

City of WestminsterCamdenW1W 6HL51.519269-0.141799WC1V 6RL51.518330-0.115085the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 20162020-09-302020-10-062020-10-082020-10-092020-10-30TSO (The Stationery Office),

In the High Court of Justice, Business & Property Courts of England & Wales

Court Number: CR-2020-002845


(Company Number 10508711)

Registered office: c/o Quantuma Advisory Limited, High Holborn House, 52-54 High Holborn, London WC1V 6RL

Principal trading address: 2nd Floor, 32-33 Gosfield Street, Fitzrovia, London, W1W 6HL

Notice is hereby given that Creditors of the above named Company are required on or before 30 October 2020, to prove their debts by delivering their proofs (in the format specified in Rule 14.4 of the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016) to Simon Bonney and Carl Jackson (IP Nos. 9379 and 8860) of Quantuma Advisory Limited, High Holborn House, 52-54 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6RL the Joint Liquidators.

If so required by notice from the Joint Liquidators, creditors must produce any document or other evidence which the Joint Liquidators consider necessary to substantiate the whole or any part of a claim.

Date of Appointment: 30 September 2020.

Further details contact: Maham Khan, Email:, Tel: 020 3856 6720.

Simon Bonney, Joint Liquidator

6 October 2020

Ag XG70452