Appointment of Liquidators

Aberdeen CityAB10 1YL57.142706-2.121642AB12 3LF57.109384-2.0810862020-11-172020-11-272020-12-01TSO (The Stationery Office),

Company Number: SO300401

Name of Company: WEATHERFORD (G.B.) LLP

Nature of Business: Holding Entity

Type of Liquidation: Members

Registered office: Bishop’s Court, 29 Albyn Place, Aberdeen, AB10 1YL

Principal trading address: Weatherford Centre, Souterhead Road, Aberdeen, AB12 3LF

Gordon Malcolm MacLure, of Johnston Carmichael LLP, Bishop’s Court, 29 Albyn Place, Aberdeen, AB10 1YL

Office Holder Number: 8201.

Further details contact: Lynda Mason, Tel: 01224 212222

Date of Appointment: 17 November 2020

By whom Appointed: Members

Ag YG82035