Resolutions for Winding-up

2021-01-212021-01-25TSO (The Stationery Office),


(Company Number NI049900)

Registered office: 239 Seacoast Road, Londonderry, BT49 0HZ

Principal trading address: 239 Seacoast Road, Londonderry, BT49 0HZ

Nature of business: Other service activities not elsewhere classified

At a General Meeting of the Members of the above named Company, duly convened and held at 12:00pm on 21 January 2021, the following resolutions were duly passed as special and ordinary resolutions:

Special Resolution

i. That the Company be wound by way of a Members’ Voluntary Liquidation.

Ordinary Resolution

i. “That Andrew Ryder of JT Maxwell Limited, Unit 6 Lagan House, 1 Sackville Street, Lisburn, County Antrim, BT27 4AB be and is hereby appointed Liquidator of the Company”.

Office Holder Details: Andrew John Ryder (IP number 17552) of JT Maxwell Limited, Unit 6, Lagan House, 1 Sackville Street, Lisburn BT27 4AB. Date of Appointment: 21 January 2021. Further information about this case is available from John Walker at the offices of JT Maxwell Limited on 02892 448114 or at

Patricia Craig , Chair of the Meeting