Annulment of Proceedings
ExeterWest DevonTorridgeEX1 1UG50.721699-3.526222EX38 8PT50.923815-4.154304PL16 0AZ50.643453-4.2621381990-12-152020-03-252021-05-252021-06-302021-07-02TSO (The Stationery Office),
2 Sprymill Cottages, Spry Lane, LIFTON, Devon, PL16 0AZ
Birth details: 15 December 1990
Matthew John Holman, self-employed, of Park Farm, Little Torrington. Devon EX38 8PT
In the County Court at Bristol
No 45 of 2020
Bankruptcy order date: 25 March 2020
Date of annulment: 25 May 2021Grounds of annulment: The bankruptcy debts and the expenses of the bankruptcy have all been either paid in full or recovered to the satisfaction of the Court.M Mace 3rd Floor, Senate Court, Southernhay Gardens, Exeter, EX1 1UG, telephone: 0300 678 0016
Capacity of office holder(s): Official Receiver
25 March 2020