Notice of Dividends

DacorumCardiffCF14 3ZA51.499912-3.188585HP4 3JG51.760237-0.5777161956-09-282021-07-012021-07-052021-09-01TSO (The Stationery Office),

In the High Court Of Justice

No 4844 of 1988

Alan David Clark

Formerly in bankruptcy

Bankrupt's Address: CLARK, Alan David, of 7 Sycamore Rise, lately of 67 Beech Drive, trading with another at Fern Bank, 79 Shrublands Avenue, HP4 3JG, all in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire as Berkhamsted Industrial Cleaning Co., as an INDUSTRIAL CONTRACT CLEANER.

Birth details: 28/09/1956

Notice is hereby given that I, Official Receiver of the above, intend to declare a First and Final Dividend to Unsecured Creditors within 4 months. Last date for receiving proofs is 01/09/2021, failing which they will be excluded from the dividend. Claims should be sent to the Official Receiver at the address below.

Office holder details: Mr Stephen Baxter (Official Receiver) The Insolvency Service, LTADT Cardiff, Dividend Team, 3rd Floor, Companies House, Crown Way, Cardiff CF14 3ZA paul.o’ Tel: 03030031132
