Annual Liquidation Meetings

BirminghamB1 2HZ52.478382-1.914201B3 3HN52.481539-1.905405Insolvency Act 1986Insolvency Act 1986, s. 1052009-05-132015-08-272021-07-192021-07-202021-07-212021-08-12TSO (The Stationery Office),


(Company Number 01284771)

Registered office: c/o Teneo Restructuring Ltd, 156 Great Charles Street, Queensway, Birmingham B3 3HN

Principal trading address: N/A

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 105 of the Insolvency Act 1986 , of a meeting of creditors held at Teneo Restructuring Ltd, 156 Great Charles Street, Queensway, Birmingham B3 3HN on 12 August 2021 at 10.00 am (Members) and 10.30 am (Creditors) for the purpose of having an account laid before them and to receive the report of the Liquidator showing how the winding-up of the Company has been conducted and its property disposed of, and of hearing any explanation that may be given by the Liquidator. Proxies to be used at the meeting must be lodged with the Liquidator at Four Brindleyplace, Birmingham, B1 2HZ.

Dates of appointment: 13 May 2009 (Richard Michael Hawes); 27 August 2015 (Matthew James Cowlishaw)

Office Holder Details: Richard Michael Hawes (IP No. 008954) and Matthew James Cowlishaw (IP No. 009631) both of Teneo Restructuring Ltd, 156 Great Charles Street, Queensway, Birmingham B3 3HN

Further details contact: The Joint Liquidators, Tel: 0121 619 0132. Alternative contact: Jessica Hough, Email:

Richard Michael Hawes, Joint Liquidator

19 July 2021

Ag GH41536