Administration Orders

RushcliffeCity of NottinghamNG12 5HG52.878851-1.083213NG2 4LA52.950159-1.139041970-01-042021-02-252021-07-222021-08-18TSO (The Stationery Office),

In the County Court at Nottingham

No 4 of 2021

Timothy John Darby

Description of Deceased Debtor: The deceased estate of Timothy John Darby formerly of 3 Lowlands Drive, Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5HG, who died insolvent

Birth details: 4 January 1970

Creditor’s Petition: Creditor’s petition presented on 25/02/2021

Name and Address of Petitioning Creditor: The National Bank Of Ras Al-Khaimah

Date of Insolvency Administration Order: Insolvency Administration Order made on 22/07/2021

Time of Insolvency Administration Order: 12:00

Kevin Read Official Receiver

Apex Court, Level 1, City Link, Nottingham, NG2 4LA

Capacity: Trustee

Date of appointment: 22 July 2021