Meetings of Creditors
(Company Number 07816504)
Previous Name of Company: Futbol Lab Ltd
Registered office: 1 Radian Court, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, MK5 8PJ
Principal trading address: 84 Ecclestone Square Thomas House London SW1V1PX
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Rule 15.8 of the Insolvency Rules (England & Wales) 2016 (“the Rules”), that a virtual meeting of the Creditors of the above named Company is being proposed by David Andrew Butler the Liquidator of the Company. A meeting of creditors is to take place for the purposes of considering the following: 1. The approval of the Liquidator's fees and disbursements. The virtual meeting will be held as follows: 26 October 2021 at 10.30 am. Please contact the Liquidator for access information at least one business day before the meeting.
To be entitled to vote, those attending must submit a proxy form, together with a proof of debt if one has not already been submitted, to the Liquidator by one of the following methods: By post to: Opus Restructuring LLP, 1 Radian Court, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, MK5 8PJ; By fax to: 01908 66 04 61; By email to:
All proofs of debt must be delivered by 4:00 pm on 25 October 2021. All proxy forms must be delivered to the Convener or Chair before they may be used at the meeting fixed for 10:30 am on 26 October 2021.
Date of Appointment: 15 April 2021
Office Holder Details: David Butler (IP No. 08695) of Opus Restructuring LLP, 1 Radian Court, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, MK5 8PJ
For further details contact: Zoe Nelsey, Email:, Tel: 01908 087220.
David Andrew Butler, Liquidator
8 October 2021
Ag JH70734