Notice of Dividends

TamworthCardiffB77 2NL52.613557-1.666039CF14 3ZA51.499912-3.1885851954-10-062021-12-232021-12-302022-02-23TSO (The Stationery Office),

In the County Court at Birmingham

No 250 of 1993

Richard George Abbott

Formerly in bankruptcy

Birth details: 06/10/1954

Occupation - Richard George Abbott of 8 Ryton, Belgrave, Tamworth,Staffordshire B77 2NL, Pipe Fitter and lately carrying on business as B D A Contractors, 8 Ryton, Belgrave, Tamworth.

Notice is hereby given that I, Official Receiver of the above, intend to declare a First and Final Dividend to Unsecured Creditor within 4 months. Last date for receiving proofs is 23/02/2022, failing which they will be excluded from the dividend. Claims should be sent to the Official Receiver at the address below.

Office Holder Details:

Stephen Baxter , Official Receiver, The Insolvency Service, LTADT Cardiff, Dividend Team,3rd Floor, Companies House, Crown Way, Cardiff CF14 3ZA - Telephone – 03030031132; Email – paul.o’ .

23 December 2021