Notices to Creditors

City and County of the City of LondonCity of WestminsterEC2R 6AY51.515927-0.089371SW1X 7NE51.500942-0.162904the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 20162022-03-092022-03-112022-03-142022-03-152022-04-11TSO (The Stationery Office),

In the High Court of Justice

Court Number: CR-2021-002148


(Company Number 10508921)

Registered office: 1 Knightsbridge Green, Suite 711, London, SW1X 7NE

Principal trading address: N/A

Notice is hereby given that creditors of the Company are required, on or before 11 April 2022, to prove their debts by delivering their proofs (in the format specified in Rule 14.4 of the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016) to the Joint Liquidators at Smith & Williamson LLP, 25 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6AY.

If so required by notice from the Joint Liquidators, creditors must produce any document or other evidence which the Joint Liquidators consider is necessary to substantiate the whole or any part of a claim.

Date of Appointment: 9 March 2022.

Office Holder Details: Finbarr O’Connell (IP No. 7931) and Emma Thompson (IP No. 21030) both of Smith & Williamson LLP, 25 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6AY

Further details contact: The Joint Liquidators, Email:, Tel: 020 7131 8648.

Finbarr O'Connell, Joint Liquidator

11 March 2022

Ag OH121389