On 4 April 2022, Shell U.K. Limited submitted, for the consideration of the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the draft Decommissioning Programmes for the Scoter and Merganser Fields in accordance with the provisions of the Petroleum Act 1998. It is a requirement of the Act that interested parties be consulted on such decommissioning proposals.
Scoter and Merganser are two normal pressure and temperature gas-condensate subsea tie-backs to the Shearwater Cluster, located in Block 22/30a of the Central North Sea. The Fields are 230km and 226km from the nearest UK shoreline respectively. The items / facilities covered by the Decommissioning Programmes are:
• Installations and subsea infrastructure associated with the Scoter Field, comprising of the Scoter Manifold, Scoter Production Pipeline, Scoter Umbilical and associated tie-in spools, jumpers and stabilisation features.
• Installations and subsea infrastructure associated with the Merganser Field, comprising of the Merganser Manifold, Scoter Manifold Extension Structure, Merganser Production Pipeline, Merganser Umbilical and associated tie-in spools, jumpers and stabilisation features.
Shell U.K. Limited hereby gives notice that the Scoter and Merganser Decommissioning Programmes can be viewed online at https://www.shell.co.uk/sustainability/decommissioning.html.
Alternatively, a digital copy of the Programmes can be requested: Contact: James Blackburn, Business Opportunity Manager, Decommissioning, Shell U.K. Email: SUKEP-Shell-Decommissioning-Correspondence@shell.com
Representations regarding the Scoter and Merganser Decommissioning Programmes should be submitted in writing to Shell U.K. Limited marked for the attention of James Blackburn at the above email address, where they should be received no later than the consultation closing date (6 May 2022) and should state the grounds upon which any representations are being made.
4 April 2022
James Blackburn
Business Opportunity Manager, Decommissioning
Shell U.K. Limited
1 Altens Farm Road
AB12 3FY