Appointment of Trustees
In the Insolvency Service Adjudicator's Office
Court Number: BR-2020-5108028
Rocco Desando
Formerly in Bankruptcy
45 Newburn Crescent, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN1 5ES.
Birth details: 04 April 1951
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Rule 10.74(1) Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016, that the Joint Trustees have been appointed to the Bankrupt's estate by a decision of creditors.
Date of Appointment: 29 March 2022
Office Holder Details: Gilbert John Lemon (IP No. 9573) and Gregory Andrew Palfrey (IP No. 9060) both of Smith & Williamson LLP, Portwall Place, Portwall Lane, Bristol, BS1 6NA
Further details contact: The Joint Trustees, Tel: 0117 376 2313, Alternative contact: Keira Shortland, Email:
Gilbert John Lemon, Joint Trustee
1 April 2022
Ag PH10113