Appointment of Administrators
In the High Court of Justice, Business & Property Courts in Leeds, Insolvency and Companies List
No CR2022LDS000192.
(Company Number 06758361)
Trading Name: Mech FS
Nature of Business: Electrical installation
Registered office: Charity Farm, 10 Bar Road North, Beckingham, South Yorkshire, DN10 4NN
Principal trading address: Charity Farm, 10 Bar Road North, Beckingham, South Yorkshire, DN10 4NN
Joint Administrator: Howard Smith (IP number 9341) of Interpath Ltd, 4th Floor, Tailors Corner, Thirsk Row, Leeds, LS1 4DP.
Joint Administrator: Christopher Robert Pole (IP number 12690) of Interpath Ltd, Floor 2, 45 Church Street, Birmingham, B3 2RT.
Date of Appointment: 05 April 2022
For further details contact Henry Jackson on 0161 529 8844 or at