Petitions to Wind Up (Companies)
Company Number: SC461662
Notice is hereby given that on 28 March 2022 a Petition was presented to Forfar Sheriff Court by Clare Victoria Blom for an order to wind up ATOC Dundee Limited (Registered Number SC461662), having its Registered Office at Manor House, 10 Manor Street, Forfar, Angus, DD8 1BQ in which Petition, Sheriff J Martin-Brown by Interlocutor dated 05 April 2022 appointed all persons having an interest to lodge Answers, if so advised, within eight days after intimation, service and advertisement and in the meantime appointed Shona Joanne Campbell, Insolvency Practitioner of Henderson Loggie LLP, The Vision Building, 20 Greenmarket, Dundee DD1 4QB to be Provisional Liquidator of ATOC Dundee Limited with authority to exercise the powers contained in Sections 135, 167 and 169 of The Insolvency Act 1986; all of which notice is hereby given.
Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP, 1 Exchange Crescent, Conference Square, Edinburgh EH3 8UL, Agents for the Petitioner