Notice of Dividends

BirminghamPowysB2 2JX52.495968-1.894209SY21 7JP52.660548-3.150862007-03-152022-05-172022-05-202022-06-21TSO (The Stationery Office),

In the County Court at Welshpool and Newtown

No 36 of 2007

Kristian Helen Booth

Formerly in bankruptcy, not deceased

Bankrupt's Address: 10A High Street, Welshpool, Powys, SY21 7JP

Birth details: 03 March 1967

Occupation - Horticulturalist

(t/a My Garden Designer, 10A High Street, Welshpool, Powys, SY21 7JP)

Notice is hereby given that I, Official Receiver of the above, intend to declare a First and Final Dividend to Unsecured creditors within 2 months. Last date for receiving proofs is 21 June 2022, failing which they will be excluded from the dividend. Claims should be sent to the Official Receiver at the address below.

Office Holder Details: L Gandy, Po Box 16665, Birmingham B2 2JX Date of appointment: 15 March 2007

17 May 2022