Resolutions for Winding-up

BirminghamNuneaton and BedworthHinckley and BosworthB3 1UP52.485721-1.90731CV11 6RZ52.519922-1.444196CV13 6EU52.571368-1.4265342022-07-012022-07-072022-07-08TSO (The Stationery Office),


(Company Number 04622943)

Trading Name: Machine 7

Registered office: Units 1-3 Willow Park, Upton Lane, Stoke Golding CV13 6EU

Principal trading address: Unit 2 Liberty Way, Attleborough Fields Industrial Estate, Nuneaton, CV11 6RZ

Notive is given that at a General Meeting of the above named Company, duly convened and held at 79 Caroline Street, Birmingham, B3 1UP on 1 July 2022 the following resolutions were passed as a Special resolution and Ordinary resolution respectively:

"That the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Roderick Graham Butcher (IP No. 8834) of Butcher Woods, 79 Caroline Street, Birmingham, B3 1UP be appointed Liquidator of the Company."

Further details contact: Ashley Millensted bu email at or Tel 0121 236 6001

??? ???, Director

1 July 2022

Ag SH40584