Notices to Creditors

ErewashBuryM45 7TA53.553193-2.296165NG10 1LP52.897258-1.269669the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 20162022-07-212022-08-122022-08-152022-08-162022-09-12TSO (The Stationery Office),


(Company Number 03626664)

Trading Name: Boots Opticians

Registered office: Leonard Curtis House, Elms Square, Bury New Road, Whitefield, Manchester, M45 7TA

Principal trading address: 68-70 High Street, Long-Eaton, Nottingham, NG10 1LP

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Rule 14.28 of the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016, that further to the appointment of the Joint Liquidators on 21 July 2022 they intend to declare a first interim dividend to creditors of the above company within two months of the last date for proving, specified below.

Notice is hereby given that creditors of the Company are required, on or before 12 September 2022, to prove their debts by delivering their proofs (in the format specified in Rule 14.4 of the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016) to the Joint Liquidators at Leonard Curtis, Leonard Curtis House, Elms Square, Bury New Road, Whitefield, Manchester M45 7TA.

If so required by notice from the Joint Liquidators, creditors must produce any document or other evidence which the Joint Liquidators consider is necessary to substantiate the whole or any part of a claim.

Creditors who have not yet done so must prove their debts by sending their full names and addresses, particulars of their debts or claims and the names and addresses of their solicitors (if any), to the Joint Liquidators at Leonard Curtis, Leonard Curtis House, Elms Square, Bury New Road, Whitefield, Greater Manchester M45 7TA by no later than 12 September 2022 (the last date for proving).

As the distribution will be a final distribution, it may be made without regard to the claim of any person in respect of a debt not proved.

Note: The Directors of the Company have made a declaration of solvency and it is expected that all creditors will be paid in full.

Date of Appointment: 21 July 2022

Office Holder Details: Steve Markey (IP No. 14912) and Martin Maloney (IP No. 9628) both of Leonard Curtis, Leonard Curtis House, Elms Square, Bury New Road, Whitefield, Greater Manchester, M45 7TA

For further details contact: The Joint Liquidators, Tel: 0161 413 0930. Alternative contact: Avery Lewis

Steve Markey, Joint Liquidator

12 August 2022

Ag TH51388