Appointment of Trustees

PrestonAbertawe - SwanseaPR1 8BU53.757127-2.7032SA3 5QB51.582907-4.0096121975-11-022022-10-192022-11-042022-11-072022-11-08TSO (The Stationery Office),

In the Office of the Adjudicator

Court Number: BR-2021-5130964

Mark Broadhurst Robertson

In Bankruptcy

36 Bellevue Road, West Cross, Abertawe, SA3 5QB.

Birth details: 02 November 1975

Occupation: Employed

Notice is hereby given that I, Paul W Barber (IP No. 009469) of Begbies Traynor (Central) LLP, 2-3 Winckley Court, Chapel Street, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 8BU was appointed Trustee in Bankruptcy, of the above individual by a decision of the Bankrupt's creditors held on 19 October 2022. My appointment was effective from 19 October 2022. All creditors are hereby invited to prove their debts by sending details to me at my address shown above.

Any person who requires further information may contact the Trustee by telephone on 01772 202000 Alternatively, enquiries can be made to Simon Boulton by e-mail at or by telephone on 01772 202000.

Paul Barber, Trustee

4 November 2022

Ag WH80515