Petitions to Wind Up (Companies)
In the High Court of Justice
Business and Property Courts Insolvency and Companies List (ChD) No CR-2022-LDS-000748 of 2022
(Company Number 07721209)
and in the Matter of the INSOLVENCY ACT 1986
A Petition to wind up the above named company having its Registered Office at 4th Floor, 18 St. Cross Street, London, EC1N 8UN, presented on 7 October 2022, by PREMIUM CREDIT LIMITED of Ermyn House, Ermyn Way, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 8UX, claiming to be a creditor of the company, will be heard at Business and Property Courts in Leeds, The Courthouse, 1 Oxford Row, Leeds, LS1 3BG, on 22 November 2022, at 10:00 (or as soon thereafter as the petition can be heard).
Any person intending to appear on the hearing of the petition (whether to support or oppose it) must give notice of intention to do so to the petition or its solicitor in accordance with Rule 7.14 by 4 pm on 21 November 2022.
The Petitioner's Solicitor is Lester Aldridge LLP, Russell House, Oxford Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8EX. (Ref: PR20000.52.)
7 November 2022