Notices to Creditors
In the High Court of Justice
Court Number: CR-2022-003003
(Company Number 09030097)
Trading Name: AMT Autos Ltd
Registered office: C/o MHA MacIntyre Hudson, 6th Floor, 2 London Wall Place, London, EC2Y 5AU, (Formerly) 44 Broadway, London, E15 1XH
Principal trading address: 44 Broadway, London, E15 1XH
Notice is hereby given that Creditors of the Company are required, on or before 31 January 2022, to prove their debts by delivering their proofs (in the format specified in Rule 14.4 of the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016 to the Liquidator at MHA MacIntyre Hudson, 6th Floor, 2 London Wall Place, London, EC2Y 5AU.
If so required by notice from the Liquidator, creditors must produce any document or other evidence which the Liquidator considers is necessary to substantiate the whole or any part of a claim.
Date of Appointment: 30 November 2022
Office Holder Details: Liam Alexander Short (IP No. 14570) of MHA MacIntyre Hudson, 6th Floor, 2 London Wall Place, London, EC2Y 5AU
Further details contact: Angus Gillies, Email:, Tel: 020 7429 4100.
Liam Alexander Short, Liquidator
6 December 2022
Ag XH90599