Appointment of Liquidators

NewhamCity and County of the City of LondonE15 1XH51.5409310.000973EC2Y 5AU51.517777-0.092508the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 20162022-11-302022-12-062022-12-072022-12-08TSO (The Stationery Office),

In the High Court of Justice

Court Number: CR-2022-003003


(Company Number 09030097)

Trading Name: AMT Autos Ltd

Registered office: C/o MHA MacIntyre Hudson, 6th Floor, 2 London Wall Place, London, EC2Y 5AU, (Formerly) 44 Broadway, London, E15 1XH

Principal trading address: 44 Broadway, London, E15 1XH

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Rule 7.59 of the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016 that a Liquidator has been appointed to the Company by the Secretary of State.

Date of Appointment: 30 November 2022.

Office Holder Details: Liam Alexander Short (IP No. 14570) of MHA MacIntyre Hudson, 6th Floor, 2 London Wall Place, London, EC2Y 5AU

Further details contact: Angus Gillies, Email:, Tel: 020 7429 4100.

Liam Alexander Short, Liquidator

6 December 2022

Ag XH90599