Bankruptcy Orders

BroadlandNR12 7BG52.6925491.3390051976-01-192023-01-092023-01-112023-01-132023-01-17TSO (The Stationery Office),

Spraggs, Amanda Carol Jane

Blackthorn Lodge, North Walsham Road, Crostwick, Norwich, NR12 7BG

Birth details: 19 January 1976

Amanda Carol Jane Spraggs, Currently not working, of Blackthorn Lodge, North Walsham Road, Crostwick, Norwich, Norfolk, NR12 7BG

In the Office of the Adjudicator

No 5143654 of 2023

Date of Filing Petition: 9 January 2023

Bankruptcy order date: 11 January 2023

Time of Bankruptcy Order: 00:00

Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Debtor's

T Keller PO Box 18416, Birmingham, B2 2UB, telephone: 0300 6780 016

Capacity of office holder(s): Trustee

11 January 2023