Annulment of Proceedings

LewishamSE6 2BS51.446337-0.0139891955-09-162022-07-122023-01-172023-02-092023-02-13TSO (The Stationery Office),

Lemar, Jacqueline

84a Ringstead Road, LONDON, SE6 2BS

Birth details: 16 September 1955

Jacqueline Lemar retired of 84A Ringstead Road, London SE6 2BS .

In the County Court at Croydon

No 40 of 2022

Bankruptcy order date: 12 July 2022

Date of annulment: 17 January 2023Grounds of annulment: The bankruptcy debts and the expenses of the bankruptcy have all been either paid in full or recovered to the satisfaction of the Court.

L Cook 11th Floor, Southern House, Wellesley Grove, Croydon, CR0 1XN, telephone: 03030031736

Capacity of office holder(s): Trustee

12 July 2022