Resolutions for Winding-up

2023-02-092023-02-10TSO (The Stationery Office),


(Company Number NI017588)

Registered office: 2 Wheatfield, Eglinton, Londonderry BT47 3XG

The following written resolutions were duly passed as special resolutions by the members of the company on 9 February 2023:

Special Resolutions

i. "That the company be wound up voluntarily".

ii. "That the liquidator be and is hereby authorised to distribute among the members in specie or in kind the whole or any part of the assets of the company".

iii. That the liquidator be and is hereby authorised to pay or make an advance distribution to the members, if she considers it appropriate and prudent to do so, in an amount that she shall determine at her sole discretion, or, if in specie or in kind, of such of the assets as she shall determine in her sole discretion, in such proportions as she shall determine"

Liquidator: Alison Burnside (IP number GBNI85/9543) of McAleer Jackson Ltd, Church House, 24 Dublin Road, Omagh, Co Tyrone, BT78 1HE.

Date of Appointment: 09 February 2023