Meetings of Creditors
(Company Number: 12298985)
Registered Office: 22 Essex Court, Station Road, London SW13 0ER
Principal Trading Address: 22 Essex Court, Station Road, London SW13 0ER
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Rule 15.8 of the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016 that the liquidator has summoned a general meeting of the Company's creditors for the purpose of The appointment of a Liquidator of the Company.; That the fees and expenses of Robson Scott Associates Ltd t/a BusinessRescueExpert in respect of assisting the Board of Directors in preparing a Statement of Affairs and convening the virtual meeting amounting to £3,750 plus VAT, and disbursements be paid from realisations as an expense of the liquidation.; That the Liquidator's fee be approved on a fixed fee basis for different categories of work, the details of which are set out in the report prepared in connection with fee approval and issued with the notice of the meeting. and That the Liquidator be permitted to recover category 2 expenses. The meeting will be held on 09 March 2023, at 10:15.
In order to be entitled to vote at the meeting, creditors must lodge proxies and hitherto unlodged proofs with Christopher David Horner at Robson Scott Associates Ltd T/a Businessrescueexpert , 47-49 Duke Street, Darlington DL3 7SD by no later than 16:00 on 08 March 2023.
For further details, please contact: Christopher David Horner (16150), Robson Scott Associates Ltd T/A BusinessRescueExpert, 47-49 Duke Street, Darlington, Co. Durham DL3 7SD, Telephone: 01325 365950, Email address:
Arash Daryadel, Director
Monday 27 February 2023