Resolutions for Winding-up

LiverpoolCheshire West and ChesterCH1 3AE53.193442-2.881385L1 9ER53.399835-2.973388L2 0NE53.406546-2.9914272023-03-082023-03-09TSO (The Stationery Office),


(Company Number 05975305)

Trading Name: Hawk Butler

Registered office: 2 City Road, Chester, CH1 3AE

Principal trading address: 61 Rodney Street, Liverpool, L1 9ER

Former Registered Office: 61 Rodney Street, Liverpool, L1 9ER

NOTICE IS GIVEN that at a General Meeting of the above-named Company, duly convened and held at Parkin S Booth Ltd, 2 City Road, Chester, CH1 3AE on 8 March 2023 at 11.00am the following resolutions were passed as a Special resolution and Ordinary resolution respectively:

1. "That the Company be wound up voluntarily"; and

2. "That John Fisher of Parkin S Booth Ltd, 2nd Floor, 14 Castle Street, Liverpool, L2 ONE be appointed Liquidator of the Company."

Liquidator: John Fisher (IP number 9420) of Parkin S Booth Ltd, 2nd Floor, 14 Castle Street, Liverpool L2 0NE.

Date of Appointment: 08 March 2023

For further details contact Christine Tickle on 0151 236 4331 or at

Dated this 8th day of March 2023