Appointment of Liquidators

Stratford-on-AvonIslingtonBuckinghamshireCV47 0HF52.252502-1.388667MK18 3AJ51.940631-0.882238N1 9JY51.531164-0.1202072023-04-112023-04-122023-04-13TSO (The Stationery Office),

Name of Company: KO COFFEE LTD

Company Number: 10951473

Company Type: Registered Company

Nature of the business: Coffee Shop

Previously: 258 Coffee and Co Ltd

Type of Liquidation: Creditors' Voluntary

Registered office: 20 Market Hill, Southam CV47 0HF

Principal trading address: 258 Pentonville Road, London N1 9JY

Office Holder/s: Lee James Cotton and Richard Behagg, of Robert Day and Company Limited and, The Old Library, The Walk, Winslow, Buckingham MK18 3AJ, Telephone: 01296 711644, Email address:

Office Holder Number/s: 9610 and 12790

Date of appointment: 11 April 2023

By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors

Wednesday 12 April 2023