Meetings of Creditors
(Company Number 03605181)
Registered office: Verulam Point, Station Way,St Albans, AL1 5HE
Principal trading address: Verulam Point, Station Way,St Albans, AL1 5HE
At the request of one or more of the creditors of Cooper Chase Limited a meeting of creditors is to take place for the purpose of considering decisions concerning the following matters:
To confirm the appointment of Sarah Cook and Miles Needham of FRP Advisory Trading Limited, 4 Beaconsfield Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 3RD as Liquidators of the Company, or to appoint an alternative Liquidator; To receive nominations for a committee; The meeting will be provided with information about, and may be called upon to approve, the costs of preparing the statement of affairs and seeking a decision from the creditors on the nomination of the Liquidation.
The meeting will be held as a virtual meeting on 18 April 2023 at 11.00 am. Please use contact details below to request access details for the virtual meeting.
To be entitled to vote proofs must be submitted by 4pm on the business day preceding the meeting to Sarah Cook of FRP Advisory Trading Limited, 4 Beaconsfield Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 3RD.
Names and address of nominated Liquidators: Sarah Cook (IP No. 18750) and Miles Needham (IP No. 14372) both of FRP Advisory Trading Limited, 4 Beaconsfield Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 3RD
Further details contact: The nominated Liquidators, Email: Alternative contact: Sam Pryse-Davies
Sarah Cook, Convener
11 April 2023
Ag BJ11206