Notice of Dividends
In the High Court Of Justice
No 007578 of 2017
01683631Registered office: 5th Floor Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP
Notice is hereby given that I intend to declare a First and Final Dividend of 1p/£ to unsecured creditors within a period of 2 months from the last date of proving. Creditors who have not proved their debts must do so by 14 June 2023 otherwise they will be excluded from the dividend. The required proof of debt form, which must be lodged with me at the address below, is available on the Insolvency Service website (, select “Forms” and then form 4.25). Alternatively, you can contact my office at the address below to supply a form.
Mr M Commins, Official Receiver Official Receiver's Office Insolvency Service PO Box 16653 Birmingham B2 2NG Tel: 0300 678 0016 Ref: LQD5177295