Notices to Creditors
(Company Number NC000436)
Notice is hereby given that the above named Partnership was placed into Members Voluntary Liquidation (solvent liquidation) on 09 June 2023, and Paul Ellison and David Taylor of KRE Corporate Recovery Limited, KRE Corporate Recovery Limited, Unit 8 The Aquarium, 1-7 King Street, Reading, RG1 2AN were appointed Joint Liquidators.
Notice is also hereby given, pursuant to Rule 4.192 of the Insolvency Rules (Northern Ireland) 1991, that the creditors of the Partnership must send details, in writing of their claim against the Partnership to Paul Ellison and David Taylor, the Joint Liquidators of the said Partnership, at KRE Corporate Recovery Limited, Unit 8 The Aquarium, 1-7 King Street, Reading, RG1 2AN by no later than 13 July 2023 which is the last day for proving claims. The Liquidators further gives notice that they will then make a final distribution to creditors, and any creditor who does not make a claim by the date mentioned above will not be included in the distribution.
This notice is purely formal as the Partnership is solvent and it is anticipated that all creditors will be paid in full.
Paul Ellison and David Taylor, Joint Liquidator