On 12 July 2023, Shell U.K. Limited submitted, for the consideration of the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, the draft Decommissioning Programmes for the Leman F & G facilities in accordance with the provisions of the Petroleum Act 1998. It is a requirement of the Act that interested parties be consulted on such decommissioning proposals.
Leman F & G are two Normally Unattended Installations tied-back to the Leman Alpha Complex, located in Block 49/26 of the Southern North Sea. The platforms are 48km and 51km from the nearest UK coastline respectively. The facilities covered by the Decommissioning Programmes are:
• Installations and subsea infrastructure associated with the Leman F Platform, comprising of the platform topsides, platform jacket, production pipeline, power cable and associated stabilisation features.
• Installations and subsea infrastructure associated with the Leman G Platform, comprising of the platform topsides, platform jacket, production pipeline, power cable and associated stabilisation features.
Shell U.K. Limited hereby gives notice that the Leman F & G Decommissioning Programmes can be viewed online at https://www.shell.co.uk/sustainability/decommissioning.html
Alternatively, a digital copy of the Programmes can be requested:
Contact: Business Opportunity Manager, Shell U.K. Limited
Email: SUKEP-Shell-Decommissioning-Correspondence@shell.com
Representations regarding the Leman F & G Decommissioning Programmes should be submitted in writing to Shell U.K. Limited for the attention of the Business Opportunity Manager at the above email address, where they should be received no later than the consultation closing date (11 August 2023) and should state the grounds upon which any representations are being made.
12 July 2023
Business Opportunity Manager
Shell U.K. Limited
The Silver Fin Building
455 Union Street, Aberdeen
AB11 6DB