Bankruptcy Orders

BirminghamCity of PlymouthB2 2UB52.495968-1.894209PL1 3QQ50.361514-4.166617PL4 7HE50.381418-4.122286PL4 7QS50.378447-4.127864PL7 2UY50.39128-4.0349881994-05-032023-07-252023-07-272023-08-022023-08-04TSO (The Stationery Office),

Hill, Billy James

10 Lipson Vale, Plymouth, PL4 7HE

Birth details: 3 May 1994

Billy James Hill, Currently not working, of 10 Lipson Vale, Plymouth, Devon, PL4 7HE formerly of 12 Minerva Close, Plymouth, Devon, PL7 2UY and formerly of 53 Emily Gardens, Plymouth, Devon, PL4 7QS and formerly of Brewhouse Flat 8, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 3QQ

In the Office of the Adjudicator

No 5150444 of 2023

Date of Filing Petition: 25 July 2023

Bankruptcy order date: 27 July 2023

Time of Bankruptcy Order: 00:00

Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Debtor's

T Keller PO Box 18416, Birmingham, B2 2UB, telephone: 0300 6780 016

Capacity of office holder(s): Trustee

27 July 2023