Notice of Dividends

BirminghamCity of Kingston upon HullB2 2JX52.495968-1.894209HU8 0RN53.772903-0.283981977-04-032006-09-202023-08-072023-08-102023-09-04TSO (The Stationery Office),

In the County Court at Kingston-upon-Hull

No 1005 of 2006

Debbie Louise BALFOUR

Formerly in bankruptcy

Bankrupt's Address: 3 Chiswick Close, Ings Road Estate, Hull, HU8 0RN NOTE: the above-named was discharged from the proceedings and may no longer have a connection with the addresses listed.

Birth details: 03/04/1977

Occupation - cake decorator

Notice is hereby given that I, Official Receiver of the above, intend to declare a Final Dividend to Unsecured creditors within 2 months. Last date for receiving proofs is 04/09/2023, failing which they will be excluded from the dividend. Claims should be sent to the Official Receiver at the address below.

Office Holder Details: Lindsey Haselgrove, RTLU NW, PO.Box 16665, Birmingham, B2 2JX,, Enquiry Line: 0300 6780 015, Order Date: 20/09/2006, PPI/BKT00156982
