Bankruptcy Orders

BirminghamCentral BedfordshireB2 2UB52.495968-1.894209LU1 4FJ51.878074-0.464649LU1 4FT51.880036-0.4661511981-07-182023-10-182023-10-202023-10-242023-10-26TSO (The Stationery Office),

Farr, Gareth Robert

11 Kestrel Grove, Caddington, Luton, LU1 4FT

Birth details: 18 July 1981

Gareth Robert Farr, Director, Self Employed, of 11 Kestrel Grove, Caddington, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 4FT, United Kingdom and carrying on business as Home Counties Building Services from 11 Kestrel Grove, Caddington, Beds, LU1 4FT, England and trading from 11 Wren Close, Caddington, Beds, LU1 4FJ, England. and LATELY carrying on business as Three Blackbirds Pub from 2 High Street, Flamstead, Herts, AL3 1BS, England

In the Office of the Adjudicator

No 5153296 of 2023

Date of Filing Petition: 18 October 2023

Bankruptcy order date: 20 October 2023

Time of Bankruptcy Order: 00:00

Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Debtor's

T Keller PO Box 18416, Birmingham, B2 2UB, telephone: 0300 6780 016

Capacity of office holder(s): Trustee

20 October 2023