East Sussex County Council (the “Council”) hereby gives notice that it has made, and is about to submit to the Secretary of State for Transport for confirmation, a scheme in exercise of its powers under Section 106(3) of the Highways Act 1980 authorising the Council to construct over the navigable waters of the Cuckmere River the bridge specified in the Schedule to this Scheme as part of the highway which they are proposing to construct as a replacement for the Exceat Bridge carrying the A259 Eastbourne Road in the Parish of Cuckmere Valley and the Parish of Sutton with Seaford in the County of East Sussex.
Copies of the Scheme and the relevant plans and specifications may be inspected free of charge during normal opening hours at:-
(i) The Reception Desk, East Sussex County Council, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1UE; and
(ii) Seaford Library, 15-17 Sutton Park Road, Seaford BN25 1QX; and
(iii) Eastbourne Library, Grove Road, Eastbourne BN21 4TL.
Copies of the Scheme and the relevant plans and specifications may also be inspected on the Council’s website at https://live.eastsussexhighways.com/highway-schemes/exceat-bridge/3 or copies can be provided by request to Barry Ling, Senior Estates Consultant Surveyor at East Sussex County Council, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1UE (telephone 0345 603 0109 email: barry.ling@eastsussex.gov.uk).
ANY PERSON may not later than 4th December 2023 object to the confirmation of the Scheme stating their reasons for doing so by writing to the Secretary of State for Transport c/o The National Transport Casework Team, Department for Transport, Tyneside House, Skinnerburn Road, Newcastle Business Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7AR or by email to nationalcasework@dft.gov.uk stating the grounds of their objection.
In submitting an objection it should be noted that the personal data and correspondence relating to any objection will be passed to the Council in order that they can contact the objector directly to address the issues raised. If any person does not wish personal data to be forwarded to the Council, they should state why when submitting the objection and the Secretary of State will copy the representations to the Council with the name and address removed and if there is to be a local Public Inquiry, the representations will be seen by the Inspector who may give them less weight as a result.
Dated: 20th October 2023
Sharpe Pritchard LLP
Elm Yard
10-16 Elm Street
London WC1X 0BJ
Solicitors for East Sussex County Council
East Sussex County Council (the “Council”) hereby gives notice that it has made, and is about to submit to the Secretary of State for Transport for confirmation, an Order made under sections 14 and 125 of the Highways Act 1980 authorising the Council to:-
(a) improve highways (including raising, lowering or otherwise altering)
(b) stop up highways
(c) construct new highways
(d) stop up private means of access to premises
(e) provide new means of access to said premises
all on or in the vicinity of the route to the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road on which the Council is proposing to construct a replacement bridge to carry the A259 Eastbourne Road over the Cuckmere River 22 metres north of the existing Exceat Bridge in the Parishes of Sutton with Seaford and Cuckmere Valley in the County of East Sussex.
A copy of the Order and the relevant plans may be inspected on the Council’s website at https://live.eastsussexhighways.com/highway-schemes/exceat-bridge/3 or copies can be provided by request to Barry Ling, Senior Estates Consultant Surveyor at East Sussex County Council, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1UE (telephone 0345 603 0109 email: barry.ling@eastsussex.gov.uk).
A copy of the Order and the relevant plans may also be inspected free of charge during normal opening hours at:-
(i) The Reception Desk, East Sussex County Council, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1UE; and
(ii) Seaford Library, 15-17 Sutton Park Road, Seaford BN25 1QX; and
(iii) Eastbourne Library, Grove Road, Eastbourne BN21 4TL.
ANY PERSON may not later than 4th December 2023 object to the confirmation of the Order by notice to the Secretary of State for Transport c/o The National Transport Casework Team, Department for Transport, Tyneside House, Skinnerburn Road, Newcastle Business Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7AR or by email to nationalcasework@dft.gov.uk stating the grounds of their objection.
In submitting an objection it should be noted that the personal data and correspondence relating to any objection will be passed to the Council in order that they can contact the objector directly to address the issues raised. If any person does not wish personal data to be forwarded to the Council, they should state why when submitting the objection and the Secretary of State will copy the representations to the Council with the name and address removed and if there is to be a local Public Inquiry, the representations will be seen by the Inspector who may give them less weight as a result.
Dated: 20th October 2023
Sharpe Pritchard LLP
Elm Yard
10-16 Elm Street
London WC1X 0BJ
Solicitors for East Sussex County Council
Notice is hereby given that the East Sussex County Council (the “Acquiring Authority”) has made the East Sussex County Council (Exceat Bridge Replacement - A259 Eastbourne Road) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023 (the “Order”) under sections 239, 240, 246, 249, 250 and 260 of the Highways Act 1980. It is about to submit this Order to the Secretary of State for Transport for confirmation, and if confirmed, the Order will authorise East Sussex County Council to purchase compulsorily the land and new rights described below for the purpose of:-
(i) the construction of a replacement bridge at the A259 over the Cuckmere River with a two lane bridge with footpath including re-profiling of the river and road bed embankments, alterations to access, provision of shared surface area and habitat creation;
(ii) the construction of other highways and improvement of existing highways in the vicinity of the route of the above mentioned highway in pursuance of the East Sussex County Council (Exceat Replacement Bridge – A259 Eastbourne Road) (Classified Road) (Side Roads) Order 2023;
(iii) the provision of new means of access to premises in pursuance of the East Sussex County Council (Exceat Bridge Replacement – A259 Eastbourne Road) (Classified Road) (Side Roads) Order 2023;
(iv) the diversion of watercourses and the carrying out of other works on watercourses in connection with the construction and improvement of highways and the provision of new means of access to premises as aforesaid;
(v) the use by the acquiring authority in connection with the construction and improvement of highways and the provision of new means of access to premises as aforesaid;
(vi) the carrying out of drainage works in connection with the construction of the highways; and
(vii) mitigating the adverse effect which the existence or use of the highways proposed to be constructed or improved will have on the surroundings thereof.
A copy of the Order and the accompanying map may be inspected on the Council’s website at https://live.eastsussexhighways.com/highway-schemes/exceat-bridge/3 or copies of these documents can be provided by request to Barry Ling, Senior Estates Consultant Surveyor at East Sussex County Council, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1UE (telephone 0345 603 0109 email: barry.ling@eastsussex.gov.uk).
A copy of the Order and the relevant plans may also be inspected free of charge during normal opening hours at:-
(i) The Reception Desk, East Sussex County Council, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1UE; and
(ii) Seaford Library, 15-17 Sutton Park Road, Seaford BN25 1QX; and
(iii) Eastbourne Library, Grove Road, Eastbourne BN21 4TL.
Any objection to the Order must be made in writing to the Secretary of State for Transport c/o the National Transport Casework Team, Department for Transport, Tyneside House, Skinnerburn Road, Newcastle Business Park, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE4 7AR before the 4th day of December 2023 and should state the title of the Order, the grounds of the objection and the objector’s address and interests in the land.
In submitting an objection it should be noted that the personal data and correspondence relating to any objection will be passed to the Acquiring Authority in order that they can contact the objector directly to address the issues raised. If any person does not wish personal data to be forwarded to the Acquiring Authority, they should state why when submitting the objection and the Secretary of State will copy the representations to the Acquiring Authority with the name and address removed and if there is to be a local Public Inquiry, the representations will be seen by the Inspector who may give them less weight as a result.
The land comprised in each item below being land not owned by the Acquiring Authority is identified on the map referred to in the Order by means of the number or numbers against that item below:
In the Parish of Sutton With Seaford in the County of East Sussex
1/1 138 square metres of part of the carriageway and verge of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road forming the junction with the carpark entrance to The Cuckmere Inn public house located southwest of the Exceat Bridge
In the Parish of Cuckmere Valley in the County of East Sussex
1/1a 1,329 square metres of part of the full width of the carriageway, footways and verges of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road located east of the Exceat Bridge
1/1b 1,162 square metres of pastureland, ditches and wooded areas including part of public footpath SEA/28/1 located north of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road and east of the Cuckmere River
In the Parishes of Sutton With Seaford and Cuckmere Valley in the County of East Sussex
1/1c 907 square metres of pastureland, ditches and wooded areas including part of public footpath CMV/24/1 located south of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road and east of the Cuckmere River
In the Parish of Cuckmere Valley in the County of East Sussex
1/1d 84 square metres of pastureland located north of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road and east of the Cuckmere River
1/1e 285 square metres of pastureland located north of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road and east of the Cuckmere River
1/1f 152 square metres of track, ditches and wooded areas including part of public footpath CMV/24/1 located south of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road and east of the Cuckmere River
1/1g 3,844 square metres of pastureland, ditches and wooded areas including part of public footpath CMV/15/7 located north of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road and east of the Cuckmere River
1/1h 77 square metres of a half width of the carriageway of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road located west of the Exceat Bridge and east of The Cuckmere Inn public house
In the Parish of Sutton With Seaford in the County of East Sussex
1/2 5,480 square metres of arable land and hedgerow forming part of the agricultural holding known as Dymock Farm located north of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road and east of the Cuckmere River
1/3 182 square metres of garden forming part of the property known as The Boat House, Eastbourne Road, Exceat located northeast of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road and west of the Cuckmere River
1/3a 7 square metres of hedgerow forming part of the property known as The Boat House, Eastbourne Road, Exceat located northeast of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road and west of the Cuckmere River
1/3b 388 square metres of garden forming part of the property known as The Boat House, Eastbourne Road, Exceat located northeast of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road and west of the Cuckmere River
1/3c 109 square metres of hedgerow forming part of the property known as The Boat House, Eastbourne Road, Exceat located northeast of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road and west of the Cuckmere River
1/3d 586 square metres of part of the half width of the carriageway and verge of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road located south of the property known as The Boat House, Eastbourne Road, Exceat and west of the Cuckmere River
1/4 140 square metres of wooded area forming part of the property known as Blackberry Cottage, Eastbourne Road, Exceat located west of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road and north of The Cuckmere Inn public house.
1/4a 165 square metres of wooded area forming part of the property known as Blackberry Cottage, Eastbourne Road, Exceat located west of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road and north of The Cuckmere Inn public house.
1/4b 16 square metres of wooded area and part of the garden of the property known as Blackberry Cottage, Eastbourne Road, Exceat located west of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road and north of The Cuckmere Inn public house.
1/4c 1 square metre of stepped access forming part of the garden of the property known as Blackberry Cottage, Eastbourne Road, Exceat located west of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road and north of The Cuckmere Inn public house.
1/4d 234 square metres of the half width of the carriageway and verge of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road located north of the property known as Blackberry Cottage, Eastbourne Road, Exceat and west of the Cuckmere River.
1/5 432 square metres of saltmarsh located between the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road and the Cuckmere River north of the Exceat Bridge.
1/5a 199 square metres of the half width of the carriageway and verges of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road located west of the Cuckmere River and north of the Exceat Bridge.
1/6 32 square metres of frontage including signage, footway and stepped access and landscaping of The Cuckmere Inn public house located west of the Exceat Bridge.
1/6a 1 square metre of part of the grounds of The Cuckmere Inn public house located west of the Exceat Bridge.
1/6b 6 square metres of part of the stepped access serving The Cuckmere Inn public house located west of the Exceat Bridge.
1/6c 851 square metres of carpark and grass verge forming part of The Cuckmere Inn public house and footpath SEA/27/1 located southwest of the Exceat Bridge and west of the Cuckmere River.
1/6d 96 square metres of the half width of the carriageway and verge of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road located west of the Cuckmere River and northeast of the Exceat Bridge.
In the Parishes of Sutton With Seaford and Cuckmere Valley in the County of East Sussex
1/7 New rights over land comprising 413 square metres of riverbank and bed being the western half-width of the watercourse known as Cuckmere River located north of the Exceat Bridge
1/7a 523 square metres of part of the riverbank and bed being the western half-width of the watercourse known as Cuckmere River located north of the Exceat Bridge
In the Parish of Cuckmere Valley in the County of East Sussex
1/7b 982 square metres of part of the riverbank and bed of the watercourse known as Cuckmere River including that crossed by the Exceat Bridge located east of The Cuckmere Inn public house
In the Parishes of Sutton With Seaford and Cuckmere Valley in the County of East Sussex
1/8 128 square metres of riverbank and bed being part of the eastern half-width of the watercourse known as Cuckmere River located north of the Exceat Bridge
In the Parish of Cuckmere Valley in the County of East Sussex
1/8a 536 square metres of pastureland, ditches and treeline including part of public footpath SEA/28/1 and part of the riverbank and bed being the eastern half-width of the watercourse known as Cuckmere River located north of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road
In the Parishes of Sutton With Seaford and Cuckmere Valley in the County of East Sussex
1/8b 376 square metres of part of the riverbank and bed being the eastern half-width of the watercourse known as Cuckmere River located south of the classified road known as the A259 Eastbourne Road
1/8c 36 square metres of part of the riverbank and bed being the eastern half-width of the watercourse known as Cuckmere River located north of the Exceat Bridge.
Dated: 20th October 2023
Sharpe Pritchard LLP
Elm Yard
10-16 Elm Street
London WC1X 0BJ
Solicitors for East Sussex County Council