Road Traffic Acts

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984Local Government (Access to Information) Act 19852023-11-222023-11-30TSO (The Stationery Office),




1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Royal Borough of Greenwich (hereinafter referred to as “the Council”) has made the above-mentioned Orders under sections 9 and 10 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended. The Orders will come into operation on 30th November 2023.

2. The general effect of the Orders would be to:

a. Replace part of the Permit Holders Only Mon-Sat 9am-6.30pm Zone EV bay with a Car Club bay on Coldbath Street, south-west side, from a point 10.6 metres south-east of its junction with Bliss Crescent for 6 metres in a south-easterly direction.

b. Replace part of the Resident Permit Holders Only Mon-Sat 9am-5pm and Sun 9am-6pm Zone G bay with a Car Club bay on Ashburnham Place, south side, from a point 11 metres east of its junction with Egerton Drive for 6 metres in an easterly direction.

c. Replace the Residents and Business Permit Holders Only Mon-Sat 9am-5pm and Sun 9am-6pm Zone G bay with a Car Club bay on Blissett Street, south-east side, outside Nos. 30 and 32 Blissett Street.

d. Replace part of the Resident Permit Holders Only Mon-Sat 9am-5pm and Sun 9am-6pm Zone G bay with a Car Club bay on Claremont Street, north side, from a point 78 metres west of its junction with Haddo Street for 6 metres in an westerly direction.

e. Replace part of the Permit Holders or Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 9am-6.30pm Max stay 2 Hours No return within 3 hours Zone W bay with a Car Club bay on Chevening Road, west side, from a point 9 metres south of its junction with Woolwich Road for 6 metres in an southerly direction.

f. Replace part of the Permit Holders or Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 9am-6.30pm Max stay 2 Hours No return within 3 hours Zone CT bay with a Car Club bay on Tunnel Avenue, south-west side, from a point 2 metres north of the common boundary of Nos. 182/184 Tunnel Avenue for 6 metres in a north-westerly direction.

g. Replace part of the Permit Holders or Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 9am-6.30pm Max stay 2 Hours No return within 3 hours Zone W bay with a Car Club bay on Westcombe Park Road, south side, from a point 10.5 metres west of its junction with Westcombe Hill for 6 metres in a westerly direction.

h. Replace part of the Free Parking Place with a Car Club bay on Tallis Grove, north-west side, outside No. 49 Tallis Grove.

i. Replace part of the Permit Holders Only Mon-Fri 11am-12.30pm (E) bay with a Car Club bay on Sherard Road, south side, from a point 31 metres west of its junction with Well Hall Road for 5 metres in a westerly direction.

j. Replace part of the Permit Holders or Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 8.30am-6.30pm Max stay 1 Hour No return within 2 hours Zone WA bay with a Car Club bay on Wilmount Street, south-west side, from a point 20.5 metres south-east of its junction with Anglesea Avenue for 6 metres in a south-easterly direction.

k. Replace part of the Residents and Business Permit Holders Only Mon-Fri 11am-1pm Zone AW bay with a Car Club bay on Felixstowe Road, south side, from a point 7.5 metres east of its junction with Chantry Close for 12 metres in an easterly direction.

l. Replace part of the Permit Holders Only Mon-Fri 9.30am-11am Zone PL bay with a Car Club bay on Elmley Street, east side, from a point 10 metres north of its junction with Glyndon Road for 6 metres in an northerly direction.

m. Replace part of the Limited Waiting 2 Hours No Return 3 Hours 9am-6.30pm bay with a Car Club bay on John Harrison Way, south-east side, outside No.29 John Harrison Way.

n. Introduce a Car Club Bay on Dallin Road, south-west side, outside No.4 Dallin Road.

o. Replace the Disabled Badge Holders Only Mon-Fri 10am-4.30pm and Sat 10am-5.30pm bay with a Car Club bay on Powis Street, north-east side, outside No.136 Powis Street.

p. Replace part of the Residents and Business Permit Holders Only Mon-Sat 9am-5pm and Sun 9am-6pm Zone G bay with a Car Club bay on Bardsley Lane, south side, from a point 54 metres east of its junction with Haddo Street for 6 metres in an easterly direction.

q. update the map tiles attached to The Greenwich (Free Parking Places, Loading Places and Waiting, Loading and Stopping Restrictions) Order 2018 and The Greenwich (Charged-For Parking Places) Order 2018 so as to reflect the provisions referred to in sub-paragraphs (a) to (p).

3. To view a copy of the Orders and/or a statement of the Council’s reasons for making these experimental Orders please email requesting electronic copies.

4. The Orders provide that in pursuance of section 10(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the Assistant Director of Transport at Greenwich Council, or some person authorised by him, may, if it appears to him or that person essential in the interests of the expeditious, convenient and safe movement of traffic or for preserving or improving the amenities of the area through which any road affected by the Orders extends, modify or suspend the Orders or any provision thereof.

5. The Orders are to be on an experimental basis for a maximum period of 18 months and the Council will consider in due course whether the provisions of the Orders should be continued in force indefinitely by means of a permanent Orders made under sections 6, 45, 46, 49 and 124 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. Any person may object to the making of the permanent Orders for the purpose of such indefinite continuation, within a period of six months beginning with the date on which the experimental Orders come into force or, if the Orders are varied by another Order or modified pursuant to section 10(2) of the 1984 Act, beginning with the date on which the variation or modification or the latest variation or modification comes into force. Any such objection must be made in writing and must state the grounds on which it is made and be sent by email to (quoting reference 11-23 Car Club Bays).

6. If any person wishes to question the validity of the Orders or of any of the provisions contained therein on the grounds that they are not within the powers conferred by the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, or that any requirement of that Act or of any instrument made under that Act has not been complied with, that person may, within six weeks from the date on which the Orders were made, apply for that purpose to the High Court.

7. Persons objecting to the Orders should be aware that in view of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, this Council would be legally obliged to make any comments received in response to this Notice, open to public inspection.

Assistant Director, Transport, Communities, Environment and Central, Royal Borough of Greenwich

Dated 22nd November 2023