Notice of Dividends
08094915Registered office: 3 Atrium Heights, 4 Little Thames Walk, London, SE8 3FB
Principal trading address: 2 Haddo Street, Greenwich, London, SE10 9RN
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I intend to declare a first and final dividend to all creditors within a period of two months from the last date of proving.
Creditors are required, on or before 8 January 2024 to prove their debts by sending to the undersigned Michael Gillard of Mackenzie Goldberg Johnson Limited, Scope House, Weston Road, Crewe, CW1 6DD the Liquidator of the company, written statements of the amounts they claim to be due to them from the company and, if so requested, to provide such further details or produce such documentary evidence as may appear to the liquidator to be necessary. A creditor who has not proved this debt before the declaration of any dividend is not entitled to disturb, by reason that he has not participated in it, the distribution of that dividend or any other dividend declared before his debt was proved.
The last date for receiving proofs is 8 January 2024.
Proofs must be delivered by one of the methods set out below:
By post to: Mackenzie Goldberg Johnson Limited, Scope House, Weston Road, Crewe, CW1 6DD
By email to:
Please note that, if you are sending forms by post, you must ensure that you have allowed sufficient time for the forms to be delivered to the address above by the times set out below.
Names of Insolvency Practitioners: Michael Gillard
Nature of Appointment: Liquidator
Date of Appointment: 23 February 2023
Address of Insolvency Practitioners: By post to: Mackenzie Goldberg Johnson Limited, Scope House, Weston Road, Crewe, CW1 6DD
IP Numbers 14470
Contact Name: Rachel Hardy ; Email Address:; Telephone Number: 01270 212 700
15 December 2023
Michael Gillard, Liquidator of WB London South East Limited