Appointment of Trustees
In the Croydon County Court
Court Number: BR-2011-625
Paul Nigel Todd
in Bankruptcy
54 Thornton Avenue, Croydon, CR0 3BU (address at the time of the Bankruptcy Order).
Birth details: 09 January 1964
Occupation: Provider of Financial ServicesFormer Trading address: 54 Thornton Avenue, Croydon, CR0 3BU
In accordance with Rule 10.77 of the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016, I, Adam Solomon Nakar, give notice that I was appointed Trustee of the above on 27 December 2023 by a decision of creditors as replacement Trustee following the resignation of Robert Leonard Harry Knight.
All persons having in their possession any of the effects of the Bankrupt must deliver them to me, and all debts due to the Bankrupt must be paid to me.
Creditors who have not yet proved their debts must forward their proofs of debt to me.
Date of Appointment: 27 December 2023.
Office Holder Details: Adam Solomon Nakar (IP No. 19530) of WSM Marks Bloom LLP, Unit 2 Spinnaker Court, 1C Becketts Place, Hampton Wick, Kingston upon Thames KT1 4EQ
Further details contact: Svetlana Chan, Tel: 01483 405160 or Email:
Adam Solomon Nakar, Trustee
9 January 2024
Ag MJ100646