Notices to Creditors
(Company Number NI679328)
Nature of business: 56101 - Licensed restaurants
Type of Liquidation: Creditors
Registered office: 132 Lettershendony Avenue, Londonderry, Northern Ireland, BT47 3JA
Liquidators’ name and address:
Scott Murray and Ian Davison of Keenan Corporate Finance Ltd, 10th Floor Victoria House, 15-17 Gloucester Street, Belfast, BT1 4LS
Office Holder number: 14096 and 25392
Date of appointment: 13 February 2024
By whom appointed: Creditors
Notice of appointment: Scott Murray and I, of Keenan Corporate Finance Ltd, 10th Floor Victoria House, 15-17 Gloucester Street, Belfast, BT1 4LS, give notice that we were appointed Joint Liquidators of the above-named company on 13 February 2024. Notice to creditors: Creditors of the above named company which is being voluntarily wound up, are required, on or before 13 April 2024 to prove their debts by sending to the undersigned, Ian Davison of Keenan Corporate Finance Ltd, 10th Floor Victoria House, 15-17 Gloucester Street, Belfast, BT1 4LS, the Joint Liquidator of the company, written statements of the amounts they claim to be due to them from the company and, if so requested, to provide such further details or produce such documentary evidence as may appear to the liquidator to be necessary. A creditor who has not proved this debt before the declaration of any dividend is not entitled to disturb, by reason that he has not participated in it, the distribution of that dividend or any other dividend declared before his debt was proved.
Dated this 15th day of February 2024
Ian Davison
Joint Liquidator