Qualifying Decision Procedure
Company Number: (12484480)
Registered office: Gill House, 140 Holyhead Road, Birmingham, B21 0AF
Principal trading address: 9 Wainwright Street, Birmingham, B6 5TH
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Rule 15.13 of the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016, that the Liquidator of the above-named Company (the convener) is seeking a decision from creditors on the basis of remuneration by way of correspondence.
A creditor’s vote by correspondence must be received by no later than 23.59 hours on 7 June 2024 (the ‘decision date’). Details of how to cast a vote are included in the correspondence delivered to creditors. If any creditor has not received this correspondence or requires further information please contact the Liquidator using the details below.
In order to be counted a creditor’s vote must be accompanied by a proof in respect of the creditor’s claim (unless it has already been given). A creditor’s vote will be disregarded if their proof in respect of their claim is not received on or before the decision date. A creditor who has opted out from receiving notices may nevertheless vote if the creditor provides a proof of debt in the requisite time frame. Proofs may be delivered to Gill House, 140 Holyhead, Birmingham, West Midlands, B21 0AF.
Date of Appointment: 14 March 2024
Office Holder Details: Laura Anne Walshe (IP No. 26250) of Keywood Group Limited, Gill House, 140 Holyhead Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B21 0AF
Further details contact: Email: team@keywoodgroup.co.uk. Alternative contact: Steph Jolly.
Laura Anne Walshe, Liquidator
22 May 2024
Ag QJ22307