Meetings of Creditors

BurnleyManchesterBB11 5TT53.783182-2.295783M1 2JQ53.481043-2.226332Insolvency Act 1986Insolvency Act 1986, s. 1002024-06-132024-06-142024-06-172024-06-21TSO (The Stationery Office),


(Company Number 12573790)

Trading Name: T25 Home Improvements

Registered office: 83 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2JQ

Principal trading address: 83 Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2JQ

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 100 of the Insolvency Act 1986 and Rules 6.14 and 15.8 of the Insolvency (England & Wales) Rules 2016 ("the Rules') that a Virtual Meeting of the Creditors of the above named Company is being proposed by Gary John Michael Collins, the director of the Company in accordance with resolutions passed by the Board of Directors. The virtual meeting will be held on 21 June 2024 at 11.00 am. A meeting of shareholders has been called and will be held prior to the virtual meeting of creditors to consider passing a resolution for voluntary winding up of the Company. The Virtual meeting will be held using Microsoft Teams. Contact Scott Simpson for password and logon details. The meeting may be suspended or adjourned (and must be adjourned if so resolved at the meeting). The proposed liquidator during the period before the decision date, will furnish creditors free of charge with such information concerning the company's affairs as they may reasonably require.

Any creditor entitled to attend and vote at this virtual meeting is entitled to do so either in person or by proxy. Creditors wishing to vote at the virtual meeting must (unless they are individual creditors attending in person) lodge their proxy with the convener before they may be used at the meeting.

Unless there are exceptional circumstances, a creditor will not be entitled to vote unless his written statement of claim, (’proof’), which clearly sets out the name and address of the creditor and the amount claimed, has been lodged and admitted for voting purposes. Proofs must be delivered to the convener no later than 4.00 pm the business day before the meeting. Unless they surrender their security, secured creditors must give particulars of their security, the date when it was given and the estimated value at which it is assessed if they wish to vote at the meeting.

The resolutions to be taken at the creditors' meeting may include the appointment by creditors of a Liquidator, a resolution specifying the terms on which the Liquidator is to be remunerated, and the meeting may receive information about, or be called up to approve, the costs of preparing the statement of affairs and convening the meeting.

Name and address of Insolvency Practitioner calling the meeting: Jonathan Mark Taylor (IP No. 10570) of T H Financial Recovery, 1st Floor, The Portal, Bridgewater Close, Network 65, Burnley, BB11 5TT

Further details contact: Scott Simpson, Email:, Tel: 01282 332222.

Gary John Michael Collins, Director

13 June 2024

Ag RJ31280