Notices to Creditors
In the High Court of Justice, Business and Property Courts of England and Wales (ChD)
No 001147 of 2024
(Company Number 08200531)
Trading Name: Kingdom of Sweets
Registered office: 7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR to be changed to c/o BDO LLP, 5 Temple Square, Temple Street, L2 5RH
Principal trading address: 44-58 Brompton Road, London, SW3 1BW, (shop at 50 Brompton Road)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that creditors of the above-named company, must send their full names and addresses (and those of their Solicitors, if any), together with full particulars of their debts or claims to the Liquidator at BDO LLP, 5 Temple Square, Temple Street, Liverpool, L2 5RH by 19 July 2024.
Joint Liquidator: Matthew Chadwick (IP number 9311) of BDO LLP, 2nd Floor, 2 City Place, Beehive Ring Road, Gatwick, RH6 0PA.
Joint Liquidator: Malcolm Cohen (IP number 6825) of BDO LLP, 55 Baker Street, London, W1U 7EU.
Date of Appointment: 24 May 2024
For further details contact Katalin Pongo at