Road Traffic Acts

EnfieldEN1 3XD51.651936-0.077064EN2 6AX51.652145-0.085425Road Traffic Regulation Act 19842024-06-192024-06-262024-11-11TSO (The Stationery Office),

London Borough of Enfield


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1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the London Borough of Enfield on 19 June 2024 made The Enfield (Waiting and Loading Restriction) (Amendment No.251) Order 2024, The Enfield (Parking Places) (Pay and Display) (No. 3) Traffic Order 2024, The Enfield (Prescribed Routes) (No. 4) Traffic Order 2024, The Enfield (Free Parking Places) (Disabled Persons) (No. 3) 2024, The Enfield (Goods Vehicles Loading Bay) (No.1) Traffic Order 2024, The Enfield (Free Parking Places) (No.1) Traffic Order 2024 and The Enfield (Free Parking Places) (Solo Motorcycle) (Amendment No. 1) Order 2024, under sections 6, 45, 46, 49 and 124 of and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

NOTE: [This notice supersedes the notice of the same title published on 19 June 2024 which contained typographical errors which have now been corrected.]

2. The general effect of the Orders will be to:

(a) reverse the direction of the existing one-way operation in the southernmost east to west arm of Little Park Gardens so that vehicles are required to proceed from west to east;

(b) remove the existing one-way working in the easternmost north to south arm of Little Park Gardens so vehicles will be able to proceed in both directions;

(c) ban vehicles, except pedal cycles, from entering the easternmost north to south arm of Little Park Gardens between the northern kerb-line of Church Street and a point 18.7 metres north of that kerb-line;

(d) shorten the bus stop on the north side of Church Street, opposite nos. 40 and 42 Church Street, by 1.3 metres at its western end;

(e) remove the ban on vehicles entering the length of road located between the traffic islands in Cecil Road at its junction with Church Street and Little Park Gardens;

(f) remove the existing pay to park parking places on both sides of the easternmost north to south arm of Little Park Gardens between Wilford Close and Church Street, and replace them with disabled persons’ parking places (these parking places will be slightly longer so will also replace short lengths of waiting restrictions);

(g) on the north side of Church Street, outside nos. 31 to 63 Church Street, remove all existing parking and loading places and replace them with:

(1) outside nos. 31 to 37, (i) a loading places for goods vehicles only, to operate from 8am to 6:30pm with a maximum stay period of 20 minutes; and (ii) a ban on waiting and waiting for the purposes of loading and unloading by vehicles at all other times; and

(2) outside nos. 37 and 39, a disabled persons’ parking place.

(h) on the south side of Church Street, remove the existing loading place for goods vehicles outside nos. 48 to 56, and provide:

(1) outside nos. 48 to 48B, two disabled persons’ parking places;

(2) outside nos. 48B to 52, a parking place for solo motorcycles only; and

(3) outside nos. 54 to 62, (i) a loading places for goods vehicles only, to operate from 8am to 6:30pm with a maximum stay period of 20 minutes; and (ii) a short-stay (20 mins maximum) parking place, to operate at all other times.

(i) provide three disabled persons’ parking places in Sarnesfield Road on the west side, at the side of Enfield Town Library;

(j) ban waiting by vehicles, including waiting for the purposes of loading and/or unloading, between 8am and 8pm (to be indicated by single yellow line and single kerb marks) in Sarnesfield Road, (i) on the west side, opposite 64a Church Street, 2 Sarnesfield Road and Palace Gardens Car Park; and (ii) on the east side, outside 64a Church Street and 2 Sarnesfield Road;

(k) ban waiting by vehicles at any time and waiting for the purposes of loading and/or unloading between 7am and 10am and between 3pm and 7pm (to be indicated by double yellow lines and single kerb marks) in Cecil Road, on the west side, outside nos. 9 and 11 Cecil Road; and

(l) ban waiting by vehicles, including waiting for the purposes of loading and/or unloading, at any time (to be indicated by double yellow lines and double kerb marks) in the locations referred to in the Schedule to this Notice. This will include removing any existing parking or loading places in these lengths of road.

3. FURTHER NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the London Borough of Enfield will:

(a) construct the type of flat-top road hump known as a “speed table” or “raised table”, with a maximum height of 50mm, at the junction of Church Street and Sarnesfield Road extending

(i) across the junction outside nos. 51 to 57 Church Street for a distance of 23 metres including the ramps; and

(ii) south into Sarnesfield Road for a distance of 10.2 metres including the ramps and

(b) remove the existing Zebra pedestrian crossing in Cecil Road outside 29 Cecil Road and replace it with a Toucan crossing outside 27 Cecil Road and the entrance to Town Park. Associated zig-zag markings, on which vehicles will be prohibited from stopping at all times, will be placed on the carriageway either side of this crossing from the shared boundary of Nos. 29 and 31 Cecil Road heading north westwards for a total distance of 43 metres (measured around the outside of the carriageway).

4. Copies of the Orders, which will come into operation on 11 November 2024 and any other relevant documents can be inspected at the Town Library, 66 Church Street, Enfield EN2 6AX, Monday to Fridays 9am – 5pm inclusive, or online at:

Copies of the notice, Orders and statement of reasons can also be obtained by emailing or by writing to Traffic and Transportation, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, Middlesex, EN1 3XD (quoting reference TG52/1544).

5. Any person desiring to question the validity of the Orders or of provision contained therein on the grounds that it is not within the relevant powers of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 or that any of the relevant requirements thereof or of any relevant regulation made thereunder has not been complied with in relation to the Orders may, within six weeks of the date on which the Order was made, make application for the purpose to the High Court.

Dated 26 June 2024

David B. Taylor

Head of Highways, Traffic and Parking

SCHEDULE (summary of ‘at any time’ waiting and loading restrictions)

Cecil Road,

(a) the east side, opposite nos. 9 and 11;

(b) both sides, between the boundary of nos. 11 and 13 and a point 7.3 metres east of the eastern kerb-line of Sarnesfield Road; NOTE: the pedestrian crossing described in paragraph 3(b) above will also lie within this length of road.

Church Street,

(a) both sides, outside and opposite nos. 51 to 63b;

(b) the north side, outside nos. 41 to 49;

(c) the north side, opposite nos. 42 to 48;

(d) the south side, outside nos. 40 to 48;

Little Park Gardens, the east and south sides, opposite the side of no. 31 Church Street and running around the southern extent of the main carriageway;

Sarnesfield Road,

(a) the west side

(i) from the southern kerb-line of Church Street to a point 14.5 metres south of that kerb-line;

(ii) from the northern kerb-line of Cecil Road to a point 8 metres north of that kerb-line;

(b) the east side,

(i) from the southern kerb-line of Church Street to a point 21.7 metres south of that kerb-line; and

(ii) from outside the vehicular access ways to Palace Gardens Service Areas and Car Park to its junction with Cecil Road.