Appointment of Liquidators

WirralManchesterCH48 0RH53.367141-3.182521M2 4AB53.479295-2.2423552024-07-012024-07-052024-07-08TSO (The Stationery Office),

Name of Company: TRIPLE R WIRRAL LTD

Company Number: 14056686

Nature of Business: Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

Registered office: 166 Banks Road, West Kirby, Wirral CH48 0RH in the process of being changed to 4th Floor, Abbey House, 32 Booth Street, Manchester, M2 4AB

Type of Liquidation: Creditors

Date of Appointment: 1 July 2024

Liquidator's name and address: Tom Bowes (IP No. 17010) and Anthony Collier (IP No. 18910) both of FRP Advisory Trading Limited, 4th Floor, Abbey House, 32 Booth Street, Manchester, M2 4AB

By whom Appointed: The Company

Ag SJ40528