
City of EdinburghGlasgow CityNa h-Eileanan an IarEH3 8BP55.946373-3.207019G2 3BZ55.865291-4.257359G2 8LU55.857053-4.264471HS1 2BW58.209111-6.37875HS2 9NU58.143291-6.465449HS2 9PN58.093188-6.592979HS2 9QA58.088891-6.517343THE ELECTRICITY WORKS (ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT) (SCOTLAND) REGULATIONS 2017ELECTRICITY ACT 1989Electricity Act 1989Electricity Act 1989, s. 36TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (SCOTLAND) ACT 1997Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 19972024-07-082024-07-09TSO (The Stationery Office), customer.services@thegazette.co.uk466012128985





Notice is hereby given that Uisenis Power Limited, company registration number SC389045, with its registered office at 58 Morrison Street, C/O Anderson Strathern, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH3 8BP, has submitted additional information to the Scottish Ministers in relation to the application for consent under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 to construct and operate Uisenis Wind Farm on land within the Eisgein (Eishken) Estate, approximately 20km south west of Stornoway, on the Isle of Lewis (Central Grid Reference NB 31366 12772). The installed capacity of the proposed generating station would be over 50 megawatts (MW) (in the region of 165MW), comprising 25 turbines - 22 turbines with a ground to blade tip height of 200 metres; and 3 turbines with a ground to blade tip height of 180 metres. The proposed development represents a re-design of the consented 45 turbine Muaitheabhal Wind Farm scheme (including southern and eastern extensions). The proposed development is subject to Environmental Impact Assessment. An EIA Report has been produced to accompany the application for consent.

The Company has also asked that Scottish Ministers give a direction under section 57(2) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 that planning permission for the development be deemed to be granted.

Uisenis Power Limited has now submitted additional information to Scottish Ministers, which includes information relating to the amendment of the proposed site layout (amendments include changes to wind turbine locations, access track alignment, borrow pits, temporary construction compounds, and substation compounds), and revisions to the habitat restoration and enhancement proposed.

Copies of the additional information and the application (‘the information’) are available for public inspection in person, free of charge, during normal office hours at the following facilities:

Location Normal Opening Hours Address
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Council (CnES) Mon, Tues, Thurs: 9am to 4.30pm Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Council Building, Sandwick Road, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, HS1 2BW
Wednesday: 10am to 4.30pm
Friday: 9am to 4.00pm

And is also available from the following locations, during the opening hours of these facilities:

Location Normal Opening Hours Address
Kinloch Historical Society Monday – Saturday: 10am to 4pm Kinloch Historical Society, Community Hub, Balallan, Isle of Lewis, HS2 9PN
North Lochs Community Association Wednesday and Friday: 11am to 3pm North Lochs Community Association, Leurbost, Isle of Lewis, HS2 9NU
Ravenspoint Community Centre Monday to Saturday: 11am to 4.30pm Kershader, South Lochs, Isle of Lewis, HS2 9QA

A copy of the application, including plans showing the lands to which it relates and the EIA Report, together with the additional information, is available for public inspection, free of charge on the applicants website https://eurowindenergy.com/uk/our-projects/uisenis-wind-farm or on the Scottish Government Energy Consents website at https://www.energyconsents.scot under application reference ECU00004568.

Copies of the additional information may be obtained from SLR Consulting Limited, Office 4.04, Clockwise Offices, Savoy Tower, 77 Renfrew St, Glasgow, G2 3BZ (Tel: 07718 482 283) at a charge of £500 per hard copy and £15 on CD/DVD or USB. Copies of a short non-technical summary are available free of charge.

All previous representations received by Scottish Ministers in relation to the above application will still be considered.

Any new representations may be submitted to Scottish Ministers via the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit, by email to Representations@gov.scot; or by post to Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow, G2 8LU, identifying the proposal and specifying the grounds for representation.

Written or emailed representations should be dated, clearly stating the name (in block capitals) and full postal address of those making representations. Emailed representations should also include the full return email address of those making representations. Only representations sent by email to Representations@gov.scot will receive acknowledgement.

All representations should be received not later than Friday the 23rd of August 2024 although Ministers may consider representations received after this date.

Any subsequent additional information which is submitted by the developer will be subject to further public notice in this manner, and representations to such information will be accepted as per this notice.

As a result of a statutory objection from the relevant planning authority, or where Scottish Ministers decide to exercise their discretion to do so, Scottish Ministers can also cause a public inquiry to be held.

Following examination of the environmental information, Scottish Ministers will determine the application for consent in one of two ways: consent the proposal (with or without conditions attached), or reject the proposal.

General Data Protection Regulations

The Scottish Government processes representations under the Electricity Act 1989. To support transparency in decision making, the Scottish Government publishes online at www.energyconsents.scot. A privacy notice is published on the help page at www.energyconsents.scot. This explains how the Scottish Government processes your personal information. If you have any concerns about the processing of your personal information by the Scottish Government, please email EconsentsAdmin@gov.scot or write to Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow, G2 8LU.


Achd an Dealain 1989

Achd Planadh Baile is Dùthcha (Alba) 1997

Riaghailtean Obraichean Dealain (Measadh Buaidh Àrainneachdail) (Alba) 2017

Thathas a’ toirt brath gu bheil Uisenis Power Limited, àireamh clàraidh a’ chompanaidh SC389045, leis an oifis clàraichte aig 58 Sràid Mhoireasdain, C/O Anderson Strathern, Dùn Èideann, Alba, EH3 8BP, an dèidh fiosrachadh a bharrachd a chur a-steach do Mhinistearan na h-Alba a thaobh an iarrtais airson aonta fo earrann 36 de dh’Achd an Dealain 1989 gus Tuath-ghaoithe Uisenis a thogail is obrachadh air fearann taobh a-staigh Oighreachd Eisgein, timcheall air 20km iar-dheas air Steòrnabhaigh, Eilean Leòdhais (Comharra-clèithe Meadhanach NB 31366 12772). Bhiodh comas cumhachd an leasachaidh a tha san amharc, nuair a tha e an sàs, còrr is 50 meaga-wattaichean (MW) (timcheall air 165MW), sam bi 25 turbainean – 22 turbainean a bhios 200 meatair a dh’àirde bho bhonn gu bàrr nan lann; agus 3 turbainean a bhios 180 meatair a dh’àirde bho bhonn gu bàrr nan lann. Bhiodh an leasachadh a tha san amharc a’ riochdachadh ath-dhealbhachadh air sgeama aontaichte Tuath-ghaoithe Mhuaitheabhal 45 turbainean (a’ gabhail a-steach leudaichean dhan taobh-dheas is dhan taobh an ear). Tha an leasachadh san amharc buailteach do Mheasadh Buaidh Àrainneachdail. Chaidh Aithisg EIA a sgrìobhadh ri dhol an cois an iarrtais-aonta.

Tha a’ Chompanaidh cuideachd air iarraidh gun toir Ministearan na h-Alba stiùireadh fo earrann 57 (2) de dh’Achd Planadh Baile is Dùthcha (Alba) 1997 gum measar gun tèid aonta phlanaidh a thoirt seachad airson an leasachaidh.

Tha Uisenis Power Limited a-nis air tuilleadh fiosrachaidh a chur a-staigh do Mhinistearan na h-Alba, sa bheil fiosrachadh a thaobh an atharrachaidh a rinneadh air co-dhealbhachd an làraich san amharc (tha atharrachaidhean a’ gabhail a-steach suidheachadh thurbainean gaoithe, co-thaobhadh rathaidean inntrigidh, sluic iasaid, ionadan-togail sealach, agus ionadan fo-stèisein), agus chaidh ath-sgrùdaidhean a mholadh air ath-stèidheachadh is meudachadh bìth-àrainn.

Tha lethbhreacan den fhiosrachadh a bharrachd agus an t-iarrtas (‘am fiosrachadh’) rim faotainn airson sgrùdadh poblach, gu pearsanta agus saor an-asgaidh, rè uairean oifis àbhaisteach sna h-àitichean a leanas:

Àite Uairean Fosglaidh Àbhaisteach Seòladh
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (CnES) Dil, Dim, Diar: 9m gu 4.30f Togalach Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Rathad Shanndabhaig, Steòrnabhaigh, Eilean Leòdhais, HS1 2BW
Diciadain: 10m gu 4.30f
Dihaoine: 9m gu 4.00f

Agus tha e cuideachd ri fhaotainn às na h-àitichean a leanas, rè uairean fosglaidh nan goireasan seo:

Àite Uairean Fosglaidh Àbhaisteach Seòladh
Comann Eachdraidh Ceann an Loch Diluain – Disathairne: 10m gu 4f Comann Eachdraidh Ceann an Loch, Ionad- coimhearsnachd Baile Ailein, Eilean Leòdhais, HS2 9PN
Comann Coimhearsnachd Ceann a Tuath nan Loch Diciadain is Dihaoine: 11m gu 3f Comann Coimhearsnachd Ceann a Tuath nan Loch, Liùrbost, Eilean Leòdhais, HS2 9NU
Ionad Ravenspoint Diluain gu Disathairne: 11m gu 4.30f Cearsiadar, Ceann a Deas nan Loch, Eilean Leòdhais, HS2 9QA

Tha lethbhreac den iarrtas, sa bheil planaichean a’ sealltainn an fhearainn dha bheil e a’ buntainn agus an Aithisg EIA, còmhla ris an fhiosrachadh a bharrachd, ri fhaotainn airson sgrùdadh poblach, saor an-asgaidh air làrach-lìn an luchd-iarrtais https://eurowindenergy.com/uk/our-projects/uisenis-wind-farm no air làrach-lìn Aonta Dealain le Riaghaltas na h-Alba aig https://www.energyconsents.scot fo àireamh iarrtais ECU00004568.

Faodar lethbhreacan den fhiosrachadh a bharrachd fhaighinn bho SLR Consulting Limited, Oifis 4.04, Clockwise Offices, Savoy Tower, 77 Sràid Rinn Friù, Glaschu, G2 3BZ (Fòn: 07718 482 283) le cosgais £500 gach lethbhreac cruaidh agus £15 air CD/DVD no USB. Tha lethbhreacan de gheàrr-chunntas neo-theicnigeach rim faotainn saor an-asgaidh.

Thèid beachdachadh a dhèanamh fhathast air gach riochdachadh a fhuair Ministearan na h-Alba roimhe a thaobh an iarrtais gu h-àrd.

Faodar riochdachadh ùr sam bith a chur a-steach do Mhinistearan na h-Alba tro Ionad Aonta Dealain Riaghaltas na h-Alba, le post-d gu Representations@gov.scot; no le post gu Ionad Dealan Riaghaltas na h-Alba, 4mh Làr, 5 Cidhe a’ Chuain Siar, 150 Broomielaw, Glaschu, G2 8LU, ag aithneachadh a’ mholaidh agus a’ sònrachadh bun-adhbhar an riochdachaidh.

Bu chòir ceann-latha, ainm soilleir (ann an ceann-litrichean) agus seòladh slàn na feadhainn a tha a’ toirt riochdachaidhean seachad a chur air riochdachaidhean sgrìobhte no puist-d. Bu chòir dhan fheadhainn a tha a’ toirt riochdachaidhean seachad cuideachd an seòladh phuist-d slàn aca a chur air a’ phost-d. Cha tèid fios-fhreagairt a thoirt ach do riochdachaidhean a chuireadh le post-d gu Representations@gov.scot.

Feumar gach riochdachadh fhaighinn ro Dihaoine 23d Lùnastal 2024 aig a’ char as anmoiche ged is dòcha gum beachdaich Ministearan air riochdachaidhean a gheibhear an dèidh a’ chinn-latha seo.

Bidh fiosrachaidh sam bith eile a chuireas an neach-leasachaidh a-steach an dèidh sin buailteach do bhrath poblach eile san dòigh seo, agus thèid riochdachaidhean dhan leithid de dh’fhiosrachadh a ghabhail riutha a rèir a' bhratha seo.

Mar thoradh air gearan reachdail bhon ùghdarras-planaidh buntainneach, no far an cuir Ministearan na h-Alba romhpa seo ùghdarrachadh, faodaidh Ministearan na h-Alba iarraidh cuideachd gun cumar sgrùdadh poblach.

An dèidh sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air an fhiosrachadh àrainneachdail, nì Ministearan na h-Alba beachdachadh air an iarrtais-aonta tron dàrna chuid: a’ toirt aonta dhan mholadh (le cumhachdan, no as aonais chumhachdan), no a’ diùltadh a’ mholaidh.

Riaghailtean Coitcheann Dìon Dàta

Bidh Riaghaltas na h-Alba a’ làimhseachadh riochdachaidhean fo Achd an Dealain 1989. Gus taic a chumail ri follaiseachd a thaobh cho-dhùnaidhean, bidh Riaghaltas na h-Alba a’ foillseachadh air-loidhne aig www.energyconsents.scot. Tha brath prìobhaideachd air fhoillseachadh air an duilleag cuideachaidh aig www.energyconsents.scot. Bheir seo mìneachadh air mar a làimhsicheas Riaghaltas na h-Alba am fiosrachadh pearsanta agad. Ma tha ceist sam bith agad mu mar a bhios Riaghaltas na h-Alba a’ dèiligeadh ris an fhiosrachadh phearsanta agad, nach cuir thu post-d gu Econsents.Admin@gov.scot no sgrìobh do dh’Ionad Aonta Dealain Riaghaltas na h-Alba, Làr 4, 5 Cidhe a’ Chuain Siar, 150 Broomielaw, Glaschu, G2 8LU.